Max. Arbeitsdruck::120 P/in (0.84Mpa, 8.4bar)
Max. Strömungsgeschwindigkeit:40 gpm (150 LPM)
Max Solid Passage:0,37 in (9,4 Millimeter)
Other Name:Air Operated Pneumatic Pump
Fuel:Air Driven
Max Fluid Viscosity:100 SSU
Production:Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pump
Horese Power:8.4 Bar
Max Temperature:220°F
Structure:Diaphragm Pump
Horese Power:8.4 Bar
Max Solids Content:50%
Versatility:Wide Range Of Applications
Structure:Diaphragm Pump
Mounting Options:Base, Wall, Flange
Max Solids Content:50%
Max Particle Size:1 Inch
Mounting Options:Base, Wall, Flange
Max Solids Content:50%
Mounting Options:Base, Wall, Flange
Connection Types:Threaded, Flanged, And Sanitary
Typische Flüssigkeiten:Chemikalien
Pferdekraft:8.4 Bar
Vielseitigkeit:Breite Palette von Anwendungen
Max Particle Size:Ein Viertel Zentimeter
Maximale Temperatur:220°F
andere Name:Luftbetriebene Pneumatikpumpe
Typical Fluids Handled:Chemicals
Production:Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pump
Max Particle Size:1/4 Inch
Max Fluid Viscosity:100 SSU
Produktion:Pressluftbetätigte Doppelmembranpumpe
Vielseitigkeit:Breite Palette von Anwendungen